@Fstoppers: How to Pack Your Gear and Clothes in One Bag for Indefinite Travel

Planes run out of overhead storage, car crashes happen—travel is hard enough as a tourist, but as a nomadic photographer things can go south fast. In my guest post at Fstoppers.com, we cover the ultimate “what if” antidote: one bag travel.

Traveling with one carry-on sized bag can help you to comfortably face the unexpected so you can shoot from dawn till twilight, then change plans last minute with as little inconvenience as possible.

You can nail ultralight packing to travel indefinitely by picking a genre, laser focusing your gear and snagging some merino wool.

Pick up some new packing techniques, or skip to the end for my one bag packing list!

👉 How to Fit Your Gear and Clothes in One Bag to Travel Indefinitely